
Meet Our Inside Technical Specialists

Written by The Part Works | Jun 1, 2021 9:51:00 PM

Our team of inside technical specialists are uniquely important in helping our customers, so we wanted to tell you a little bit more about who these wonderful people are. 





Larry Farley, Product Manager


1.    Where are you from?

From the best state in the union, Oregon, specifically Central Point

2.    What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

Travel and wine tasting

3.    What is your favorite movie?


4.    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Dordogne France – history, food, wine – far from the maddening crowd.

5.    From your perspective, what is the best thing about The Part Works?

For me, it has always been about the people and the challenge of the hunt to solve problems.





Margaret Smith, Inside Sales & Customer Service Manager

 1.    Where are you from?

I'm from Oregon

2.    What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

 Photography, hiking, scuba diving and spending time with my family.

3.    What is your favorite movie?

This is a hard one, not really sure I have a favorite at this time.

4.    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

So many places, I would love to travel the world and scuba dive and take as many photos that I could to document it all. Top of the list would be Australia (swim with the great whites), and New Zealand.

5.    From your perspective, what is the best thing about the Part Works?

Family atmosphere, it seems that everyone really cares about our team members. We all truly care about the customers, and I love Katie and her vision as well. 






Joseph Stigler, Inside Technical Specialist


1. Where are you from?

Kitsap county, but I was born in California, and lived in Spain for 3 years

2. What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

I like skiing, hiking, and being in the mountains. I also really like reading, especially SciFi and fantasy

3. What’s your favorite movie?

I’m a big fan of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, and Mystery Alaska

4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Spain, because I love it, I have a lot of happy memories there. If not Spain then Cancun Mexico, it’s beautiful there. 

5. From your perspective, what is the best thing about The Part Works?

Family. The feeling of being a part of a family. I felt it since the first day I was here.






Bryan Hites, Inside Technical Specialist


1. Where are you from?

I’m from Idaho. I’ve been in Seattle for a few years now.

2. What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

I like gardening. I like growing my own food, but my real passion is bonsai and carnivorous plants. Venus Fly Traps are the most famous but I have a few pitcher plants that are pretty cool as well. 

3. What’s your favorite movie?

I loved Django Unchained

4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

The Oregon coast. What I like about the Oregon Coast is that it is secluded and beautiful, and I have lots of memories with friends and family there.

5. From your perspective, what is the best thing about The Part Works?

I like being able to help solve peoples problems, helping people out of a tough spot is the most rewarding thing.





Sean Dripps, Inside Technical Specialist


1. Where are you from? 

I’m originally from Portland

2. What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

I climb mountains and then ski down them almost every single weekend (last weekend I skied down over 5000 feet). When I’m not mountaineering, I’m usually rock climbing

3. What’s your favorite movie?

I like John Carpenters The Thing 

4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Bellingham! I’m a North-Westerner through and through.

5. From your perspective, what is the best thing about The Part Works?

Our teams, they function really well together, getting stuff done for customers!



Tim Howard, Inside Technical Specialist


1. Where are you from?

I’m from Connecticut just outside New York, Fairfield County. I came to Seattle for a change, I moved out here with my girlfriend.

2. What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

I just want to get out and explore! I like to travel around without too much of a plan, I think it’s more fun that way. I’m always looking for trails to hike, concerts, shows, and games to see. I especially like the Sounders, so much fun!

3. What’s your favorite movie?

Anything based on a true story, I like a lot of historical stuff. 

4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Ireland, everybody seems to have a great time there, it’s got such great culture and great people.

5. From your perspective, what is the best thing about The Part Works?

Generally just knowing that you have a team around to support you that encourages you to learn more. It’s pretty great to pick the brains of people like Larry who have so much knowledge to share. And for customers to be able to come in and know that they can talk to anyone to find the right solutions. It makes work easier knowing that you’re on a team, not just struggling through things alone.




Kathy Merrill, Inside Technical Specialist


1. Where are you from?

I’m from a small town in Idaho

2. What do you like to do outside of The Part Works?

I do a lot with with my church, I like to take classes, and also help with making the classes run, things like setup and tear down and coffee, and paperwork... whatever I can do to help.

3. What’s your favorite movie?

I love comedies, Pride and Prejudice is probably my favorite.

4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Hawaii, because it’s beautiful!

5. From your perspective, what is the best thing about The Part Works?

The people are really good here! There’s not one problem person here! Everyone at The Part Works is good to work with, AND good at what they do.