
LED Lighting Meets New Regulation Requirements

Written by The Part Works | Jan 18, 2024 10:21:00 PM

With Oregon expanding regulations for energy-savings in commercial lighting, it’s increasingly important for facilities to understand LED lighting and how to source the right solution for your application. The recent rollout of lighting regulations is hardly a surprise, but amidst the eco-optimism, there's a growing buzz of confusion. How do we wade through the labyrinth of LED options to find the lights that shine bright, both for the planet and our budget?

Let’s unpack the new regulations first. Starting January 1, 2024, Oregon begins to phase out the sale of fluorescents and CFL lighting. Fluorescents and CFLs are both toxic – containing mercury – and less efficient than modern LED lighting. The ban began on January 1, 2025. This state-level ban follows the 2023 federal ban on the distribution or sale of incandescent lighting by the Department of Energy. This is fantastic news for energy efficiency and is expected to bring significant savings in facilities by reducing energy costs and the lifetime cost of replacements. With potential fines of up to $25,000, it is worth switching to LED lighting as soon as possible.


For businesses and facilities managers, these changes mean navigating a new landscape of lighting choices.

The good news? LEDs are significantly more efficient than their incandescent and fluorescent predecessors. They last longer, use less energy, don’t contain toxic mercury, and come in a dazzling array of colors, brightness levels, and features. The bad news? The sheer variety can be overwhelming.


Here's Where The Complexity Kicks In:


Lumens vs. Watts: We're used to thinking in watts for measuring the brightness of lightbulbs, but for LEDs, lumens rule. Lumens tell you how much light the bulb emits, while watts measure the energy it consumes. So, a 10-watt LED might provide the same brightness as a 60-watt incandescent!

Color Temperature: From crisp, cool whites to warm, cozy yellows, LED color temperature affects both ambiance and mood. Choosing the right one depends on the space and desired function.

Dimming: Not all LEDs play nice with dimmer switches, so compatibility is key.

Features Galore: Motion sensors, smart home integration, adjustable color control – the feature list can be dizzying. Decide what functionalities truly matter to you before getting swayed by bells and whistles.


So, How Do We Conquer This LED Labyrinth? Here Are Some Tips:


Seek Expert Advice: Lighting specialists like The Part Works can help you navigate the options and quickly source the right fit for your application.

Look For Certifications: Energy Star labels and DesignLights Consortium (DLC) listings indicate high efficiency and quality.

Consider Your Needs: Don't get blinded by the latest tech. Focus on each specific space's brightness, color temperature, and dimming needs.

Think Long-Term: LED lighting costs more upfront, but the longevity and energy savings make it a worthwhile investment.

Compare And Contrast: Research online, read reviews, and compare prices before committing.

The new MRO regulations are an opportunity to embrace a brighter, more sustainable future. By navigating the LED labyrinth thoughtfully, we can light up our businesses with efficient, eco-friendly brilliance. Get informed, ask questions, and make informed choices. Together, we can illuminate the path towards cleaner, brighter facilities!



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